
SCOTUS Victory For Former President Donald J. Trump

  Screenshot (Public Domain) Trump v. United States "In a historic decision, a divided Supreme Court on Monday ruled that former presidents can never be prosecuted for actions relating to the core powers of their office, and that there is at least a presumption that they have immunity for their official acts more broadly. The decision left open the possibility that the charges brought against former President Donald Trump by Special Counsel Jack Smith – alleging that Trump conspired to overturn the results of the 2020 election – can still go forward to the extent that the charges are based on his private conduct, rather than his official acts." Justices rule Trump has some immunity from prosecution   Read Opinions of the Court  Read

RTM Moderator Alexis Voulgaris Speaks at The GRMA

  RTM Moderator Alexis Voulgaris The Greenwich Retired Men's Association recently held its monthly meeting. Representative Town Meeting (RTM Moderator was their featured speaker. "At the June 26 meeting of the RMA, Ms. Voulgaris explained the purposes of the 230-member RTM, her goals for the next two years, and answered questions from the audience. Alexis Voulgaris was elected to serve as the seventh Moderator of the Greenwich RTM in January 2022 and reelected in 2024. She is the first woman to hold this position in the ninety-one- year history of the organization. Alexis has served on the RTM since 2005,and has held numerous leadership roles. Prior to being elected Moderator, she served as the Moderator Pro-Tempore, Chair of the Health and Human Services Committee, and Chair of the RTM Governance Committee. In addition to serving as the Moderator, Alexis also serves as the current Chair of the Community Block Grant Advisory Group and the Chair of the RTM’s Claims Committee. A

Greenwich Republican Officials and Candidates Quiet on Trump - Biden Debate

  Screenshot (Public Domain) Endorsements from prominent figures can make a significant impact on the success of a candidate. This is especially true in the case of Republican candidates who are seeking the backing of their party's base. In recent years, the endorsement of former President Donald Trump has become increasingly important for Republican candidates looking to secure their place in the political landscape. The importance of Republican candidates endorsing and supporting Trump cannot be overstated as it can have a profound effect on their chances of winning elections and maintaining their standing within the party. First and foremost, endorsing Trump is seen as a way for Republican candidates to align themselves with the conservative base of the party. Trump's brand of politics, characterized by his outspoken and unapologetic style, has resonated with a significant portion of Republican voters. By endorsing Trump, Republican candidates signal to these voters that t

Trump-Biden 2024 Presidential Debate: What Did We We Actually See?

  Screenshot (CNN) No doubt, millions of Americans across the country and indeed across the world tuned in to the first 2024 Presidential Debate between President Joe Biden (D) and former President Donald Trump (R). The debate was hosted by CNN in Atlanta  and moderated by Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, both of whom are not Trump supporters in the very least. Interestingly, there was no live audience. It is perhaps, one of the few times CNN could receive high ratings numbers. As the agreed upon rules of the debate were read out loud, we couldn’t help but wonder what “gotcha traps” they had in store for Trump. We believe Democrats are purposely showing Biden’s decline openly so they can prepare voters for a possible replacement to come. Despite the controversies and criticisms surrounding his presidency, Trump demonstrated intelligence and wit during the debate, perhaps winning over many undecided voters. During the debate, Trump show cased his deep understanding of policy issues and articu

The Sanctuary State of Connecticut: Will Republican Candidates Call This out?

  Screenshot (Public Domain) Connecticut, one of number of Democrat controlled “blue states,” has gained attention for its designation as a sanctuary state when the state legislature passed the Trust Act which then - Governor Dannel Malloy signed into law in 2013. This policy, which limits cooperation with federal immigration authorities in order to protect illegal aliens, has sparked controversy and debate across the state. There are several reasons why the sanctuary state status of Connecticut is bad for both its residents and the overall wellbeing of the state. Governor Lamont Applauds Final Passage of Legislation Strengthening the Connecticut Trust Act…   Read Firstly, the sanctuary state status of Connecticut undermines the rule of law. By refusing to cooperate with federal authorities in enforcing immigration laws, the state is essentially promoting lawlessness and creating a culture of impunity for those who choose to break the law. This sends a dangerous message to both cit

The Connecticut Economy Needs True Republicans - Do They Exist?

  Connecticut, once referred to as the "insurance capital of the world," has been facing economic challenges in recent years that have contributed to a weakening economy. There are several factors that have led to the state's economic struggles, including a shrinking manufacturing sector, high taxes, an aging population, lack of business growth and innovation and other factors. The state has been under the control of the Democratic Party for many years, and as a result, their policies have had a significant impact on the economic well-being of the state. Many of the policies implemented by the Democrats in Connecticut have been economically detrimental to the state. Connecticut General Assembly Goes Full Authoritarian  Read  . One of the key reasons for Connecticut's economic decline is the decline of its manufacturing sector. The state has a long history of manufacturing, but in recent years, many companies have moved their operations overseas or to states with l

Bring Back Faith, Family and Tradition

  Screenshot (Public Domain) In today's political environment, it seems that the values of faith, family, and tradition are being pushed to the wayside in favor of more individualistic and materialistic ideals, i.e. wokeness and the leftist agenda. We need to bring back these fundamental values in order to foster a sense of community, stability, and moral grounding in our society. Republicans strongly believe in these values. First and foremost, faith plays a crucial role in providing individuals with a sense of purpose and meaning in life. Whether it be through organized religion or personal spirituality, faith gives people a sense of connection to something greater than themselves. In a world where many feel lost and disconnected, faith can serve as a guiding light, offering solace, hope, and direction in times of uncertainty and adversity. Similarly, the family unit is the cornerstone of society, providing individuals with love, support, and a sense of belonging. In recent y