The anti-Semitism and anti-Hate Task Force Coincidence


Screenshot, Connecticut Centinal 

Just prior to March 7, 2024, First Selectman Fred Camillo (R) formed the "Greenwich anti-Semitism and anti-Hate Task Force." 

With a name like that, it sounds like the Town of Greenwich has some serious issues relating to anti-Semitism and hate.  The only problem is, we haven't publicly heard much about these issues within the Town. So why form this task force? Is the intent to go looking for a crime to justify such an "important" fourteen-member task force? If you examine the below screenshot from the Town website of the members of this task force, it all starts to make sense. 

Looking at the make-up of the task force, you will immediately note there are two DEI Directors from local private educational institutions. Next, add a few Democrats.

On Saturday April 25, 2024, masked "protestors," later identified as NSC 131 stood at the corner Field Point Road and Railroad Avenue. At some point, they also made their way to Town Hall. Apparently, they were in Town to "protest" the assault of a teenager in Byram Park a few weeks ago. The Greenwich Police Department made a similar statement to that of Camillo noted below.

There have been other "rallies" like this across the country. Many of these "protestors" wear the same outfits and all wear face coverings. There have been claims that these so called "protestors" were federal agents or FBI plants. Congress has been investigating these claims in their various committee hearings. 

Camillo stated, "... a group from out of state came to Greenwich to protest an incident from a few weeks ago. The Greenwich Police Department was aware that they were coming and monitored the situation until they left. The protest lasted approximately one hour 20 minutes, and the protestors left without incident..."

Screenshot, Facebook page, Fred Camillo

On April 22, 2024, Graffiti was discovered on the lower-level parking garage, located adjacent to Town Hall. On the wall the words, "STOP FUNDING THE WAR" was spraypainted in red. GPD believes the incident may have occurred that previous weekend. The graffiti is referring to the Ukraine war with Russia, where Congress has sent billions of taxpayer dollars to the country in what appears to be a long, drawn-out conflict with no end in the foreseeable future. 

Screenshot, Leslie Yager

On Monday, March 25, 2025, parents were alerted via an email that an investigation was underway regarding a swastika observed by school staff etched into a walkway by the gym entrance at old Greenwich School.

On Wednesday, March 27, 2024, school staff discovered two swastikas drawn into testing dividers at Central Middle School.

Screenshot, Town of Greenwich Website

To put this in perspective and to give additional context, we strongly suggest reading these articles from the Connecticut Centinal:

World Economic Forum Globalist Behind Greenwich Push for Zuckbucks

Greenwich Globalist Asks Police to Monitor The Connecticut Centinal, Thinks Facts Are "Hate Speech"

Greenwich Dems Upset After RTC Shares Factual Article About WEF Globalist, Falsely Calling It "Hate Speech

What do all the aforementioned incidents have in common aside from being despicable acts and in recent succession?

They ALL occurred AFTER Camillo's task force was formed. 

Coincidence? We don't believe so. 


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