Connecticut Taxpayers Are Shelling Out 1.28 Billion Dollars on Illegal Aliens


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Connecticut, like many other states in the United States, has been grappling with the issue of illegal immigration and the financial burden it places on the state's resources. In recent years, it has been reported that Connecticut pays over a billion dollars annually to provide various services and benefits to illegal aliens residing within its borders. This significant expenditure to residents and taxpayers. This is all done by design of course since Democrats control the state House and Senate, not to mention the Governor, Ned Lamont is a Democrat. It also doesn’t help that these Democrats, along with establishment Republicans, thought it would be a really good idea to proclaim Connecticut a sanctuary state. Illegal aliens in Connecticut are able to access many the same social services and benefits as legal residents, including healthcare, education, and housing assistance, among other things. This has led to resources intended for legal residents that are being diverted to support illegal aliens, to the detriment of Connecticut citizens.

One of the most significant costs associated with illegal immigration in Connecticut is healthcare. Many illegal aliens do not have health insurance and therefore rely on emergency room services for medical treatment. This places a heavy financial burden on hospitals and ultimately on the state government, which subsidizes a portion of these healthcare costs. In addition, illegal aliens often receive other benefits such as food assistance and housing subsidies, further straining the state's budget.

Another area of concern is education. Illegal alien children are entitled to a free public education in the United States, regardless of their legal status. This means that Connecticut must bear the cost of providing schooling and related services to these children, even though their parents may not be paying taxes to support the education system. This has led to overcrowded classrooms and additional strain on school resources.  Illegal aliens are often eligible for in-state tuition rates at Connecticut universities and colleges, despite not being legal residents. This has sparked outrage among some who believe that this preferential treatment is unfair to Connecticut residents who must pay higher tuition rates. This disparity in educational opportunities further deepens the divide between illegal aliens, legal residents and citizens.

Furthermore, illegal aliens often do not pay income taxes. This means that they are not contributing to the state's tax revenue, yet they still benefit from various social programs funded by taxpayer dollars. This unfair system has led to widespread dissatisfaction among Connecticut residents, who feel that their hard-earned money is being used to support individuals who are not legally entitled to be in the country.

Another issue is the treatment of illegal aliens in the criminal justice system. Some argue that illegal aliens are given more lenient treatment when it comes to criminal offenses, with some even being released from custody rather than being deported. This has raised questions about the prioritization of the safety and well-being of Connecticut residents over the rights of illegal aliens. You can thank radical Democrat policies that do not take into account public safety and law and order as they often refer to. “No one is above the law” These very words continually shouted to their friends on daytime TV. If this were true, Connecticut should have a surplus of 1.28 billion dollars rather than an unjust and perhaps illegal expenditure.

Regardless of the so-called “pros” put forth by the uni-party, legacy media and left leaning “non-partisan” organizations, the fact remains that Connecticut is spending over a billion dollars annually to provide services and benefits to illegal aliens. This expenditure is a significant drain on the state's resources and has led to calls for stricter enforcement of immigration laws and increased border security. Some policymakers have called for measures such as mandatory E-Verify, which would require employers to verify the legal status of their employees, in order to deter illegal immigration and reduce the financial burden on the state.

You’re last Eversource bill sums this up nicely with the “Public Benefits” charge added to it. Call it what you will, but it’s a tax that benefits illegal aliens. Providing taxpayer financial support to undocumented immigrants is unjust and goes against the principles of national sovereignty and rule of law. Taxpayer money is meant to fund government programs and services that benefit citizens and legal residents of a country. Another issue with using taxpayer money to fund illegal aliens is the lack of accountability and transparency in the distribution of funds. Without proper oversight and regulations in place, there is a risk of misuse and abuse of taxpayer funds, leading to fraud and corruption.

Citizens and legal residents who pay taxes are entitled to receive benefits and services in return, as they contribute to the welfare of society. Supporting illegal aliens with taxpayer funds is unjust and unfair to those who follow the legal process of immigration and adhere to the rules and regulations of a country.

Furthermore, using taxpayer money to fund illegal aliens may pose national security risks. Without proper screening and vetting of individuals receiving financial support from the government (taxpayer money), it allows criminals or terrorists to exploit the system and access taxpayer funds. This could endanger the safety and security of citizens and legal residents, as well as undermine efforts to combat illegal activities within a country.

So much for law and order.

So much for fiscal responsibility.

Legal residents and citizens are now second class.

The Connecticut uni-party is real and have no interest in your concerns and well-being.



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