Why is Greenwich Public Schools Misrepresenting World Language Requirements?


Interestingly enough, we came across this Letter to the Editor in the Greenwich Free Press penned by Greenwich High School Sophmore Riona McKersie concerned that Latin, a classical language, will not be be offered at GHS but rather through online sessions graded as pass/fail. The letter doesn't mention the reason for this but we decided to do a little digging and found more interesting things going on under Superintendent Dr. Toni Jones' watch.


If you're a parent with children in the Greenwich Middle Schools or Greenwich High School, you may find this very interesting. Interesting because, unless you do your due diligence, Greenwich Public Schools appears to be more than happy to keep this information from you. Parents should always be wary not to accept every district policy at face value. The premise has been that the school district knows what's best for our children. Simple enough. But do they really?

At GHS, World Language is a three year requirement.  Connecticut law requires only ONE year of world language for graduation and GPS school policy requires TWO years (of ANY language). Additionally,  ONE of the two credits can be from 8th grade and 7th if GPS ever decides just to add a midterm exam in 7th grade as per law and GPS policy.   For some reason GPS does NOT want parents to know that and they are not told the correct information.   Colleges do NOT require 3-4 yrs of foreign language on high school transcript. There are very few that REQUIRE it but most of them do RECOMMEND it. However, about 50% of colleges dont even look at foreign language credits on a high school diploma.  There is a HUGE push for all students in Greenwich to take Spanish language starting in elementary school to high school even under this misrepresenation of the same language is required for graduation.

We have provided the link to the statutes:


It's imperative that every parent do their homework and find out what is really going on in their children's schools. You will be surprised just how much you learn and what information is purposely being ommited or misrepresented. 

Perhaps Dr. Jones would like to explain this.


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