Familiarize Yourself With Town Government

Whether you are a lifelong resident or recently moved into our great Town, it's very important to understand how your local government works and the components within. 

While many of us are busy with families and careers, knowledge of local government is just as important. As a taxpayer, you deserve to be informed and be well informed about what is happening, by whom and why. To blindly trust your elected officials always offers the chance for lack of accountability which in turn leads to less transparency. 

Keep in mind, it's YOUR tax dollars. 

Screenshot, Google Images

A Snapshot of Greenwich Governance:

The Office of First Selectman:
The First Selectman is the Chief Executive Officer of the Town. He/She sits on a three member Board of Selectmen and is elected every two years.

The Office of Selectman:
Two part-time elected members who, along with the First Selectman, sit on the Board of Selectmen. Two members are of the majority party, and one is of the minority party.

Town Administrator: 
Appointed official. Reports directly to First Selectman.

Representative Town Meeting (RTM):
Legislative body of Town consisting of 230 members across 12 Town districts elected every two years.

Town Clerk:

Registrars of Voters:

Important Boards and Commissions:

Board of Estimate and Taxation (BET):

Board of Education (BOE)

Board of Ethics:

Planning and Zoning Commission:

Greenwich Communities:

Affordable Housing Trust Fund:


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