Democrats "Own" the Bureaucrats at the DOJ


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The Department of Justice (DOJ) was created and has been tasked with upholding the laws of the United States and ensuring justice is served. The current head of the DOJ is Merrick Garland, appointed by Joe Biden and confirmed by the Senate. He is the Chief law enforcement officer in the country. Previously Garland had been nominated and for Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court but was eventually unconfirmed.

Garland's relationship with Congress has also been a source of contention. Critics argue that he has not been transparent or forthcoming in his interactions with lawmakers, leading to a lack of trust and cooperation. This has further hindered Garland's ability to effectively address key issues and fulfill his duties as Attorney General.

However, in recent years, there has been growing concern about the weaponization of the DOJ for political purposes. This weaponization occurs when the DOJ, FBI and other alphabet agencies are used as a tool to target political opponents, manipulate investigations, and advance a particular agenda. This abuse of power undermines the integrity of the justice system and erodes public trust in the government.

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For example, on March 13, 2021, AG Garland made the ill-fated decision to raid Mar-a-Lago, the exclusive resort and residence of former President Donald Trump. This audacious move by Garland left many scratching their heads and wondering what could have prompted such a brazen act, an act the FBI did not wish to partake in but was forced to do so.  It is important to acknowledge the sheer audacity of Garland's decision to raid Mar-a-Lago.

Mar-a-Lago is not just any ordinary location; it is a highly secure and prestigious property with tight security measures in place. The fact that Garland thought he could successfully breach the defenses of such a high-profile location speaks to third world tactics. Biden and the Democrat apparatus going after political opponents is nothing short of sheer tyrannical acts.

The potential consequences of this raid cannot be overlooked. Not only did Garland put himself at risk of facing severe legal repercussions, but he also jeopardized the safety and security of the residents and staff at Mar-a-Lago. The fallout from such a high-profile incident could have far-reaching implications and may have unintended consequences for Garland and his criminal network.

Garland's decision to raid Mar-a-Lago can be seen as a cautionary tale of the dangers of hubris and overconfidence. Garland's reckless actions in targeting such a high-profile location demonstrate the pitfalls of underestimating the risks involved in weaponizing the DOJ. This raid serves as a stark reminder that even the most seasoned Democrat operatives are not immune to making bad decisions that can have far-reaching consequences.

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We shouldn’t forget the legacy media who just happened to be on the scene perpetuating this nonsense.

One of the most prominent examples of the weaponization of the DOJ is the investigation into alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 presidential election. The investigation, led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, was highly controversial and polarizing. Critics argued that the DOJ was being used to undermine the Trump administration and delegitimize the President's victory. This case highlighted how the DOJ can be exploited for political gain, rather than impartially upholding the rule of law.

Another example is the targeting of conservative groups by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) during the Obama administration. The DOJ played a role in investigating and prosecuting these groups, which were allegedly targeted for their political beliefs. This raised concerns about the politicization of law enforcement and the abuse of power for partisan purposes. It also highlighted the potential for the DOJ to be used as a weapon against political opponents.

The weaponization of the DOJ is not limited to high-profile cases or political investigations. It can also manifest in more subtle ways, such as the selective prosecution of individuals based on their political affiliations or beliefs. This type of targeting can have a chilling effect on free speech and political dissent, as individuals may fear being targeted by the DOJ for expressing opinions or affiliations such as the FBI targeting concerned parents at school board meetings.

Additionally, the weaponization of the DOJ can undermine the principle of equal justice under the law. When the DOJ is used to target specific groups or individuals based on their political beliefs, it erodes the impartiality and fairness of the justice system. This can lead to a lack of trust in the government and a perception that the DOJ is not acting in the best interests of all citizens. Keep in mind that Democrats preach that “no one is above the law” as they target conservatives but refuse to hold accountable groups such as BLM and Antifa among others.

The weaponization of the DOJ also raises concerns about the separation of powers and checks and balances within the government. When the DOJ is used to target political opponents or advance a particular agenda, it blurs the lines between the executive branch and the judiciary. This undermines the system of checks and balances that is essential for a functioning democracy and can lead to abuses of power by those in positions of authority.

To combat the weaponization of the DOJ, it is crucial to maintain transparency and accountability within the department. This includes ensuring that investigations are conducted impartially and that prosecutors adhere to ethical guidelines. It also requires oversight from Congress and the judiciary to ensure that the DOJ is not being used for political purposes. Democrat operatives such as Special Counsel Jack Smith and other prosecutors in New York, Fulton County, Georgia and other venues are collaborating with the White House in their effort to take Trump off the campaign trail and, if necessary, imprison him to stop him from becoming President again.

In addition, the public plays a crucial role in holding the DOJ accountable for its actions. By being informed and engaged citizens, individuals can shed light on abuses of power within the department and demand transparency and accountability from their government. This can help to prevent the weaponization of the DOJ and ensure that justice is served fairly and equitably.

It’s obvious Democrats “own” the DOJ. Rest assured, they aren’t done yet.

With the recent ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court that former Presidents have immunity for official acts while in office, many of the cases against Trump are falling apart and/or will be delayed well past the November 2024 general elections.

If Trump is re-elected, we truly hope there is accountability.

Americans demand it.




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