Greenwich Planning & Zoning Commission, July 23, 2024


Screenshot, 9 Glenville Street (Public Domain)

The Greenwich Planning and Zoning Commision recently held their meeting on Tuesday, July 23, 2024.

Of interest:

7. Town of Greenwich; application PLPZ 2024 00237, for a Final Coastal Site Plan and Special Permit, to construct a one- story, four-classroom 8,000 s.f. addition and an atgrade, accessible main entrance to the existing public school building, Old Greenwich Elementary School, and to renovate portions of the building and the site to comprehensively address ADA compliance and FEMA flood zone regulations, upgrade building mechanical, fire protection, sanitary, and storm drainage systems, and to make associated site and landscaping, on a 7.3-acre lot, located at 285 Sound Beach Avenue in the R-12, COZ and FHOZ zones. (Staff: TK) (Must open by 8/15/2024) (Maximum extension to open available to 10/19/2024.

13. The Mill Owners Company LLC; application PLPZ 2024 00045, for a Final Site Plan and Special Permit, to construct a 27,456 s.f., 2 ½ story building for 15 rental dwelling units, (nine 3-bedroom units and six 2-bedroom units), 23 parking spaces, as well as associated site work including patios, walls, storm water management, underground utilities, landscaping, and the modification to the driveway and walks. The porte cochere of an existing dwelling will be removed and 15 surface parking spaces will also be converted to Green Area, pursuant to Sections 6-13 through 6-15, 6-17, 6-101(a), 6-104, 6-109 and 6-205 of the Town of Greenwich Building Zone Regulations on an 8.7217-acre property located at 6 & 10 Glenville Street and 328, 334 & 340 Pemberwick Road in the LB-HO zone. (Staff: TK) (Must close by 7/30/2024.) (Maximum extension to close available to 8/4/2024) (Opened at the 6/25/2024 meeting) (Seated: Alban, Jones (for Macri), Levy, Lowe, Yeskey.

Final Agenda Read

Action Agenda with Decisions Read

Courtesy (GCTV)

Greenwich Victorian home would be razed and replaced by 3-story apartment building, new plans show Read


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