RTM Moderator Alexis Voulgaris Speaks at The GRMA


RTM Moderator Alexis Voulgaris

The Greenwich Retired Men's Association recently held its monthly meeting. Representative Town Meeting (RTM Moderator was their featured speaker.

"At the June 26 meeting of the RMA, Ms. Voulgaris explained the purposes of the 230-member RTM, her goals for the next two years, and answered questions from the audience.

Alexis Voulgaris was elected to serve as the seventh Moderator of the Greenwich RTM in January 2022 and reelected in 2024. She is the first woman to hold this position in the ninety-one- year history of the organization. Alexis has served on the RTM since 2005,and has held numerous leadership roles. Prior to being elected Moderator, she served as the Moderator Pro-Tempore, Chair of the Health and Human Services Committee, and Chair of the RTM Governance Committee. In addition to serving as the Moderator, Alexis also serves as the current Chair of the Community Block Grant Advisory Group and the Chair of the RTM’s Claims Committee. Alexis represents District 6, Old Greenwich."

A few of the things discussed were:

The RTM is politically to the left.

It is a very large legislative body with 230 members.

The RTM is very busy with the rise in the number of ordinances that need to be considered. 

RTM Moderator Alexis Voulgaris to Address Greenwich Retired Men’s Assocation Read


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