Tina Courpas: I Will Never Do That


Screenshot (TinaCourpas.com)

Recently, the Greenwich Free Press, published an interview with Tina Courpas (R), a first- time candidate for State Representative, representing the 149th district which encompasses parts of Greenwich and Stamford. 

Meet Republican Candidate for State Rep in the 149th District, Tina Courpas, Political Newcomer Read

Courpas has been residing in the Glenville area of Greenwich for the past twenty years, raising four children. According to her LinkedIn profile, she attended St. Paul's School for Girls, based in Brooklandville, MD, Princeton University and Columbia Law School. Courpas appears to have a vast array of experience in the financial sector and as a corporate lawyer. She has also served on the The Hellenic Initiative as Executive Director and Permanent Commission on the Status of Women in Connecticut , both non-profits.

Courpas has had an avid interest in politics and decided to run for State Representative out of future concern for Greenwich. She would go on to say, “I’m concerned that if we take things for granted, we will lose what makes Greenwich great, and because I am tired of divisive extreme politics and lack of common- sense solutions in government.”

Which “government” is she referring to?

On the local level, The Representative Town Meeting (RTM) lurched extreme left in the November 2023 municipal elections. Could it be the recently voted out former RTC who worked very hard to elect Republicans across the board in the same elections only to be scolded publicly by First Selectman Fred Camillo (R) and other “Old Guard” Republicans that their respective races were won on their own merits and the hard-working volunteers and supporters making this claim were taking credit for victory they themselves brought forward? Perhaps her “common sense solutions” will take place within the current RTC who seem to support and rubber stamp everything Camillo says and does with no accountability? Maybe it’s the establishment republican policies they support that continues to keep Connecticut blue and Greenwich becoming bluer with each election cycle? How about Camillo’s Antisemitism and Anti-Hate Task force? The committee with questionable members looking to suppress free speech? Perhaps Coupras would like to look into Camillo’s threat to dox residents of Greenwich for the legal gall to FOIA their government? It could be she supports Camillo et al calling some republicans "extremists?

Economy-wise, Courpas said, “ways to cut red tape and impediments to growth.” As most individuals and businesses in the town and state are well aware of, Connecticut is not exactly business friendly with high cost of living, continual increase in taxes and the Democrat agenda to get away from fossil fuels making it more and more difficult to remain in the state. Greenwich hopped on that bandwagon recently when the RTM passed a gas- powered leaf blower ban ordinance during the Summer months. Of course, local landscapers did not receive a one- year variance like the Town did. Local businesses must now spend thousands of dollars to comply. This is not to mention the number of retail stores that have closed over the years due to high leases and taxation.

On the state level, Greenwich continues to get the short end of the stick. Just to name a few concerns:

High taxes.

8-30g and overbuilding.

Spike in crime and public safety: With a Democrat majority, how does Courpas intend on untying the hands of law enforcement and first responders?

Utility rate hikes.

Sanctuary state – taxpayer funded.

Rise in property taxes.

New hike in car tax.

Voter fraud.

Rise in healthcare costs.

Wokeness in all facets of society i.e. education, healthcare, government, etc.

Business growth and retention: The Yankee Institute ranked Connecticut 47th out of 50 states.

How many times will Coupras “reach over the aisle” and work in a “bipartisan” fashion? Perhaps she should reach out to State Senator Ryan Fazio (R), himself running for re-election, and ask how that is working out. It’s not. In fact, most Democrat inspired legislation passes because of their majority and, as usual, a few Republicans will cross over and help them out. Rest assured, it never works out the other way.

On abortion and a woman’s right to choose, Courpas reiterated her position saying, “I support a woman’s right to choose in Connecticut and will fight to uphold Connecticut’s current law. I am a pro-choice candidate.” Republicans are generally pro-life.

With regards to politics on the national stage, Courpas shies away from giving her thoughts on the current situations. She says “Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican,” referencing President Ronald Reagan’s “Eleventh Commandment.” “I will never do that. I am not commenting on the national race in this election for state representative. The job voters are interviewing me for is that of a state legislator. My goal in this campaign is to bring people together to solve the issues that face us at a state level.”

It’s obvious Courpas, like every Republican candidate, both local and statewide, are declining to publicly support and endorse the GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump. By Courpas referencing Reagan’s quote, we can only assume that she does not endorse Trump and would rather stay silent on the matter than comment on her real thoughts on Trump.

The November 2024 elections will include local, state and Presidential races. It would be disingenuous to say candidates are only focused on their local and state elections. To say that voters only care about these races is essentially being condescending toward their respective political stances. Republican candidates like Courpas should realize that by avoiding support and endorsement of Trump, they will be disenfranchising many voters.

National politics must not be treated as a separate entity, one that has no relevance in local and state government affairs. It affects every American, regardless of town and state. Former President Trump espouses every true Republican principle. Many Americans are simply fed up with the Democrat Party and Establishment Republicans because they are looking at two sides of the same coin.

We find it hard to believe how the Republican candidates are tripping over themselves because they can't distance themselves away from Trump fast enough. Candidates will soon realize that a lack of a public endorsement and continued support of the GOP presumptive nominee may not work in their favor.

If Courpas et al do not have the courage to embrace and endorse their fellow Republican presidential candidate, then we will not be casting a vote in their favor.

Rest assured, many other voters agree.




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