Will A True Republican Please Stand Up


Former RTC Chair Dan Quiqley

Former Chairman of the Republican Town Committee (RTC) and Greenwich resident Dan Quiqley decided to weigh in on the state of current affairs in a recent op-ed to the Greenwich Free Press. 

QUIGLEY: It’s Time To Step Aside, Mr. President Read

Quigley sets the tone of his op-ed by immediately stating, “For months, Americans have been resigned to the fact that they are stuck with two largely unfavorable and particularly old candidates for President.”

We’re not sure if Quigley has really been following politics on the national stage or this is simply a case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Apparently, he has created this “bubble” and insulated himself from the reality we all see.

Screenshot (Real Clear Politics Polls)

While it’s true that Biden has been declining, let alone having implemented his disastrous policies, the same can’t be said of former President Trump. Under Trump’s administration, the economy was prosperous, crime was down, the border was secured, inflation was low, gas and food prices were low and on the world stage, he kept America safe, projecting strength through peace. On the other hand Biden, or whomever is actually running the country, has America inching closer to a world war and enacted policies that have allowed millions of illegal aliens to invade the country. He has also driven up inflation, the cost of basic groceries and gas and has made wokeness a centerpiece of his administration.

Screenshot (Real Clear Politics)

Last Thursday’s nationally televised debate between Biden and Trump clearly proves that Trump has his cognitive and reasoning abilities intact. Biden’s performance was dismal to say the least, as Democrats, the media Americans and the world saw firsthand.

Quigley goes on to say, “The rematch between an unpopular former President and an unpopular incumbent have left a significant number of voters on both sides dissatisfied with their choices.” We’re not sure where Quigley is getting his numbers from, but we can tell you That Trump’s polling numbers are soaring, even in most swing states, not to mention some blue states are now in play. Biden is polling unfavorably in almost every poll, even a recent leaked Democrat poll that shows Trump would handily win in November. 

Trump polls favorably even with traditionally left leaning organization.

Screenshot (The American Conservative)

Quigley’s assertion that “…a state of inertia with polls reflecting a statistical dead heat” couldn’t be more biased. Tens of thousands of Americans attend Trump’s rallies at each venue whereas Biden will barely muster a few hundred on a good day. Of course, if he’s tuning in to media outlets like CNN and MSNBC, where video clips and photographs show a “packed” venue, then perhaps he should start looking for alternative news outlets.

Quigley appears nervous about a potential Trump return to the White House. He suggests that Democrats replace Biden as the party’s nominee, especially after the disastrous debate. We find it odd that a Republican is so concerned with making sure the Democrat Party finds a replacement to challenge Trump. True Republicans should be embracing Trump, the presumptive GOP nominee. Instead, Quiqley wants to reinforce the unjust persecution of a political opponent by reminding us that Trump was impeached twice and has recently become a “convicted felon.” We’re pretty sure he also believes that Trump orchestrated the January 6 “insurrection.” Repeating this nonsense over and over again will not change the minds of voters who support Trump. In fact, poll numbers indicate that more African-American and Latino voters are swinging toward Trump. Even some Democrats see this for what it is and will vote for him. Trump resonates with the people and this is the problem that Quigley and the establishment Republicans have.

Screenshot (The Hill)

Quigley is very concerned with Biden’s legacy because, “If stepping aside were to lead to a second defeat of Mr. Trump it would cement his place in history in the eyes of many Americans.” He even goes so far as to suggest Michigan Governor Gretchan Whitmore (D) and Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro (D) be considered as replacements citing their youth and popularity. Apparently, Quigley’s biggest concern is that “…Independent and Undecided voters as well as disenfranchised Republicans who will not vote for Mr. Trump and who have grave concerns about the President’s physical and cognitive ability.” Whatever the outcome, Biden will be leaving a legacy of fraud, senility, weaponization of government and the legal system, skyrocketing cost of living and open borders just to name a few. Is this the legacy Quigley is talking about?

Screenshot (CNN)

The only disenfranchised voters are the ones that are routinely called “extremists,” right wingers,” and “deplorables.” These very names continue to be used by various Greenwich elected officials and some members on the current RTC. The very same principled Republicans who helped secure an across the board win in the 2023 municipal elections. Is this their brand of unity? Is this what Quigley supports and endorses?

The obvious question we have is when is Quigley going to finally change parties and register as a Democrat? If it moves like a Democrat, acts like a Democrat, then it must be a Democrat.

Perhaps Quigley would like to step down off of his perch and take the opportunity to publicly endorse Trump or does he prefer to live within the swamp?

We truly hope a cure is found soon for Trump Derangement Syndrome. The effects can be devastating.


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