Greenwich Board of Estimate & Taxation, September 19, 2024


Screenshot (Public Domain)

Recent meeting of the Board of Estimate and Taxation on September 19th. There is a discussion about deferring the appointment of a clerk. The Board then discusses moving agenda items and starts with an executive session regarding a settlement for the Law Department. There is a debate about the proper numbering of the agenda item, but it is ultimately approved. The board then moves on to routine applications for various departments, with discussions about budget adjustments and ADA improvements on Greenwich Avenue. The meeting also touches on legal opinions and the involvement of the Law Committee in reviewing them. There is a mention of seeking outside expertise for ADA compliance matters. The meeting concludes with the approval of routine applications and an update from the Budget Committee. Additionally, there is a mention of the presence of Barbara Shellenberg on the phone for the meeting.

Recorded Video (GCTV)

Board of Estimate and Taxation Meeting Packet Read

Board of Estimate and Taxation Voted Agenda Read


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