The Legacy Media Apparatus Repeats History in a Dangerous Way


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Legacy media outlets, such as newspapers, television networks, cable news and radio stations, have long had a bias in favor of the Democratic Party. Critics argue that these media organizations act as operatives for the Democratic Party, pushing their agenda and unfairly portraying Republicans and conservatives. This bias has led to a lack of trust in traditional media among many Americans, who feel that they are not getting a fair and balanced view of the news. The legacy media are essentially Democratic operatives and have overwhelmingly liberal leanings of journalists and reporters. Studies have shown that the vast majority of journalists identify as Democrats, leading to concerns about bias in their reporting. This bias can manifest itself in the way stories are covered, the sources that are quoted, and the language that is used in news reports. These obvious biases shape the narrative presented to the public and influences public opinion in favor of the Democratic Party.

The legacy media is not your friend when it comes to truth and unbiased reporting. This is clearly evident with every broadcast, social media post or words printed on paper. If we take a step back, we have to realize the media has adopted a strategy to glorify its leader, namely the Democrat Party apparatus. Unfortunately, history must always repeat itself and this is a perfect example of that. Historically speaking Joseph Goebbels, through his Propaganda Ministry, had done this before by glorifying his boss.

Goebbels employed a strategy that is still used today by the legacy media: manipulation and psychology. To put this in some context, we’ll share a brief history on Goebbels. As you continue to read, you will note how closely the legacy media is following in his footsteps and how White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre knowingly echoes the propaganda

Paul Joseph Goebbels, commonly known as Joseph Goebbels, was a prominent figure in Nazi Germany as the Minister of Propaganda. Goebbels was known for his exceptional intelligence and communication skills. He obtained a doctorate in philosophy and later became a member of the Nazi Party, where he quickly rose through the ranks due to his talent for spreading the party's propaganda.

Goebbels was a master of manipulation and persuasion, using his intelligence to craft messages that would resonate with the German people. His understanding of psychology and human behavior allowed him to create effective propaganda campaigns that played on people's fears, prejudices, and desires. Through his speeches and writings, he was able to shape public opinion and rally support for the Nazi regime.

As the Minister of Propaganda, Goebbels had control over all forms of media in Nazi Germany, allowing him to spread the party's message far and wide. He used newspapers, radio, films, and other forms of media to promote Nazi ideology and demonize the regime's enemies. Through relentless propaganda efforts, Goebbels was able to create a culture of fear and hatred that fueled support for the Nazi Party.

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Goebbels' intelligence and cunning were evident in his ability to manipulate public opinion and suppress dissent. He used propaganda to glorify Adolf Hitler as a charismatic and visionary leader, while painting the regime's enemies as traitors and enemies of the state. By controlling the flow of information and suppressing dissenting voices, Goebbels effectively silenced opposition and maintained control over the German population. His use of propaganda to manipulate public opinion and incite violence is a stark reminder of the power of propaganda in shaping public perception and behavior such as the recent assassination attempts on President Trump’s life. Goebbels was also responsible for overseeing the Nazi regime's censorship efforts. He banned books, films, and other forms of media that were deemed subversive or critical of the regime. By controlling the flow of information and stifling dissent, Goebbels was able to maintain a tight grip on power and prevent any challenges to the Nazi Party's authority. However, Goebbels' use of propaganda to promote hatred and violence ultimately contributed to the destruction and devastation of World War II.

At its core, Goebbels' propaganda was a tool used by the Nazi regime in the 1930s and 1940s in Germany to manipulate and control the German population. It relied on repetition, emotional appeals, and misinformation to spread its message and silence dissent. Similarly, legacy media outlets have been accused of using similar tactics to push a particular narrative or agenda.

One of the key similarities between Goebbels' propaganda and legacy media is the use of emotional appeals to sway public opinion. Both rely on stirring up fear, anger, or outrage in order to mobilize their audiences. By appealing to people's emotions, they are able to bypass rational thought and critical analysis, making them more susceptible to manipulation.

Another similarity between the two is the use of repetition to promote a particular narrative. Goebbels famously said, "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." Legacy media outlets have been using this same tactic by consistently reinforcing certain narratives or ideas, even in the face of contradictory evidence.

Furthermore, both Goebbels' propaganda and legacy media seek to silence dissenting voices and control the flow of information. They do so by marginalizing or demonizing those who hold differing views, and by limiting the range of perspectives that are presented to the public. This can create an echo chamber effect, where people are only exposed to information that reinforces their existing beliefs.

Goebbels' legacy as the Minister of Propaganda has been widely condemned. His use of propaganda to spread hatred and incite violence is a dark chapter in history that serves as a cautionary tale about the power of propaganda to manipulate public opinion and promote destructive ideologies. Goebbels' intelligence and cunning may have served him well in his role as a propagandist, but ultimately his actions had catastrophic consequences that continue to resonate to this day.



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