Westchester County, NY Take Back America Trump Rally: Patriots Make Their Voices Heard Loud and Clear!


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On Saturday, September 21st, a "Take back America Trump Rally" took place in Westchester County, NY. Although the event was not advertised virally, one of our readers was kind enough to let us know about it. 

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The rally met at Rye Playland parking area, about a fifteen-minute drive from Greenwich. Being so close to Greenwich and a beautiful morning, we decided to venture out to see the event firsthand. This was going to be a Trump road rally. Staging at the parking area, then forming a vehicle "train" to drive to Tarrytown, NY, where other Patriot attendees were gathering. Upon arriving, we could feel the enthusiasm and comradery. Walkling the area, we met with Trump supporters from as far away as Dutchess County, NY, a few from Greenwich and everywhere in between. As other vehicles arrived to participate, they began affixing various patriotic and US flags on their vehicles as well as banners across the hoods of their cars.

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It was great to see so many people uniting to support Trump and America First. A few of the Patriots we spoke to were registered Democrats and had recently registered Republicans because, as one individual said, "they went off the rails, crashed and are burning to ashes." Patriots shared stories with each other, frustrated with how Trump had been and is being treated. A few said they were tired of the Democrat stranglehold on New York and the high taxes they have to pay. Some had even considered moving out of New York due to lack of representation. 

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A common theme among Patriots at the event was illegal immigration and sanctuary cities. Many had seen firsthand the effects of illegal aliens being flown into Westchester County Airport and then being bussed into their communities. It was great to see Patriots, who prior to this event, had never met, assisting others to affix their flags and banners. Many were speaking to each other as if they were old friends. While there was no expectation that any candidate running for office would make their way to the event, we were hoping at least one or two would show up to get a statement and show support. 

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Nevertheless, Patriots got themselves organized and prepared for their road "trip." A young lady walked toward the center of the gathered Patriots with a bullhorn to say they are all here united supporting Trump. She continued with the upcoming agenda and clearly explained to all participants they were forming a "train" and which routes they would be driving on. She also made very clear they were to obey all traffic laws and place their flashers on for safety. With that, everyone got into their vehicles and began to place their vehicles, one behind the other in a single line. many of them were shouting, "Trump" and "fight" while honking their horns. The almost 80 vehicles were ready to display their patriotism.

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As we staged ourselves at the exit gate waiting their departure, the gate attendant, probably in his early 70's, who was visibly angry that Patriots were assembled, began to cite all the Democrat talking points about J6 and that Trump is an insurrectionist, and we were all bad people for supporting him. He continued on for approximately ten minutes, visibly shaking. As the vehicle proceeded out of the parking area and through the exit gate, we all wished him a good day and staged at another area. While this gentleman acted unprofessionally, this is what is transpiring all over the country. 

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We also wondered why this event wasn't shared more widely. With the event being so close to Greenwich, why didn't the Greenwich RTC post this event on their website or send out newsletters? More importantly, no Republican candidate was present. This is your establishment Republicans. They do not and will not support Trump or his supporters even if it may benefit their campaign. They would prefer to swim in the swamp. Rest assured, many of us do not want to be a part of this cesspool as evidenced by this and many other events like this across the country.

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As we watched the line of Patriots drive by, we felt a real connection. We are all united to Make America Great Again!

Screenshot (Kristy Niemynski)

Recorded Video Screenshot (Kristy Niemynski)

Recorded Video Screenshot (Kristy Niemynski)

Recorded Video Screenshot (Kristy Niemynski)

Recorded Video Screenshot (Kristy Niemynski)


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