Greenwich Representative Town Meeting (RTM), October 28, 2024


Screenshot (GCTV)

The Greenwich Representative Town Meeting (RTM) met on Monday, October 28, 2024, for their regular monthly meeting.

Of interest:

6. To consider and act upon the following resolution. RESOLVED, that the following named person, nominated by the Board of Selectmen, be appointed as a Regular Member of the Central Middle School Building Committee. JOE KELLY 

8. To consider and act upon the following resolution, requested by the Board of Estimate and Taxation of the Town of Greenwich. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $1,265,000 BONDS OF THE TOWN TO MEET A PORTION OF THE CAPITAL BUDGET APPROPRIATION FOR THE REPLACEMNT OF FIRE ENGINE NUMBER ONE 

10. To consider and act upon the following resolution, requested by the Historic District Commission. (Item originally appeared on the September 16, 2024 Call and was subject to the “Second Read” rule) RESOLVED, that Article 7 of the Code of Ordinances of the Town of Greenwich entitled: HISTORIC PROPERTIES, be amended pursuant to Sections 7-147p through 7-147y of the General Statutes as follows: Sec.________. PROPERTY owned by THE TOWN OF GREENWICH The following property known as Bruce Park is hereby designated as an historic property pursuant to the provisions of the General Statutes, Sections 7-147p through 7-147y:

Recorded Video (GCTV)

RTM October 2024 Call Read

RTM October 2024 Votes Read


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