GVAT Proudly Makes Endorsements


As we approach the November 5th Election Day and with early voting already in progress across Connecticut, Greenwich Voices for Accountability and Transparency (GVAT) is proud and honored to make our endorsements.

We hope Republicans will sweep in Greenwich and across Connecticut. We also hope that all Republicans who have been honored with elected office will represent and govern like true Republicans and represent those true Republican values, principles and policies.

However, our endorsements are solely reserved for candidates we believe have a track record of, will stand up for and advocate for true Republican principles and have not and will not appease Democrats in phony “bipartisanship,” “Republican in Name Only” or sacrifice the means for the end that do not benefit their constituents.

We have received numerous emails from town residents expressing their support for President Trump, America First, Common Sense and America Healthy candidates, values and policies. While we hope all the Republican candidates get elected and show us they will pursue true Republican values, we have seen no evidence of them all doing so in the past and in the present.

Therefore, GVAT is proud and honored to endorse these great Republican candidates:

Donald J. Trump

President of the United States

Matthew M. Corey

U.S. Senator from Connecticut

Tod Laudonia

CT State Representative, 151st District

Michael Goldstein, MD

U.S. Congressman, CT-04

We wish all the candidates the best and hope for a great outcome in their respective elective races. 

Please be sure to vote. 

Early voting is taking place at Greenwich Town, 101 Field Point Road.

Election Day is Tuesday, November 5, 2024, at your respective district polling location.

If you will be out of town, vote by absentee ballot.




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