Quigley: Run For the Hills!


Screenshot (greenwichfreepress.com)

November 5th is fast approaching with literally 22 days to what could be a monumental election. A lot is at stake. With that, political pundits have been hedging their bets on a possible President Trump return to the White House. Tensions are high and there is nervousness in the air. That nervousness, ladies and gentlemen, is the pure panic the left and the establishment Republicans are experiencing with each passing day. To put this into context, we have to reiterate that Democrats and establishment Republicans are two sides of the same coin. While Democrats publicly show their true colors, establishment Republicans spend their time masquerading as such but in reality, could care less about you or the country. The establishment Republicans are like the legacy media; fake news. Fake Republicans. The very same "Republicans" who publicly distance themselves from Trump, denounce him at every opportunity, and then have the gall to endorse Kamala Harris because "orange man bad." These same Republicans spend their time calling Trump and his supporters "extremists" or "far-right" because we love our country and are tired of the uni-party collusion. This election is not so much about Harris vs. Trump, but rather Trump vs. the uni-party, deep state and the legacy media and, of course, establishment Republicans are all too happy to engage in the propaganda. We have often asked why these so-called Republicans don't change their party affiliation. It's all about the status quo and retaining that type of power.

DAN QUIGLEY: Is The Shining City Upon The Hill In Peril? Read

This bring us to Former Greenwich Republican Town Committee (RTC) Chairman Dan Quigley who embodies the very panic that Democrats and establishment Republicans are currently experiencing across the country and in the halls of Washington, DC. Mr. Quigley was caucused out of the RTC several years ago. Now Mr. Quigley concerns himself with advocating for the do-nothing establishment The panic is so real that Mr. Quigley ran to the Greenwich Free Press to pour his heart out about what will happen if Trump is elected once again. He starts off his letter with, "As we approach this pivotal moment in our nation’s history, we face the specter that our election system will be under attack and tested in ways we have not seen before. If Mr. Trump loses what will almost certainly be a very closely contested election, it is my fear that we could see a repeat of the events of January 6th, 2021, only significantly more widespread and dangerous." You will notice Mr. Quigley can't even summon up the courage to address Trump as "President" or "Former President." The level of disdain shown for President Trump is apparent from the very start. Mr. Quigley has taken on the role of Democrat surrogate - again. What Mr. Quigley fails to do, intentionally, is not give a complete and accurate context of what had transpired that day. He is not interested in the context. His only interest is for you to believe that January 6 was an insurrection, and that Trump tried to overthrow the government and will do so again with greater force. For a so-called Republican, Mr. Quigley doesn't quite seem to understand Trump and the America First and Make America Great Again agenda. Trump is bad. Period. End of discussion. 

Mr. Quigley continues his letter with, "The most ardent of Mr. Trump’s followers have come to discuss him in almost messianic terms. This predilection went into overdrive following the attempted assassination on the former President this past July.  Mr. Trump has said that “God alone” saved him from the would-be assassin’s bullet and far-right social media personalities have amplified this belief to millions of their followers. Mr. Trump’s proxies contend that he was spared by divine intervention so that he could conquer the “fascists” and “communists” who oppose him and “fix” America in a way that only he can." President Trump is not God. He has never pretended to be God or a God. What Mr. Quigley fails to understand is the level of support that Trump is receiving from all walks of life.  There is nothing wrong with thanking God for having your life spared as Trump often emphasizes. In fact, this shows humility and empathy for others. Mr. Quigley has made it clear that Trump supporters are religious fanatics. Many may believe that divine intervention played a role because of all the evil that is transpiring all around us. Are we to understand that Mr. Quigley sees no evil or hears no evil? While Mr. Quigley may subscribe to the "ignorance is bliss" theory, we are here to assure him that the rest of us live in the real world with real consequences. Are we also to understand we shouldn't be fighting Socialism or Communism, both of which Democrats now represent, to keep our Constitutional Republic? To millions of Americans, President Trump does represent the "fix" America desperately needs.

We take issue with Mr. Quiqley's remarks that, "Elected Republicans, who have “bent the knee” have pitched in as well." If trying to save your country from an illegal invasion, soaring prices, high violent crime, inappropriate curriculum, boys in girl's bathroom, EV mandates, etc. is bending the knee, then so be it. Quigley is upset with what he believes to be "fringe" Republicans. The Republicans who truly represent what is best for their constituents and the country. On the other hand, Mr. Quigley and his establishment friends do not want you, the voter, to have that kind of power. How dare we ask to be represented by elected officials who have our concerns and interests at heart, not the big donor class. Like many establishment Republicans, Mr. Quigley is probably feeling the walls closing in on the status quo politics. Draining the swamp, as President Trump often refers to, is what Americans really need. As a Republican surely, Mr. Quigley is all for this, right?

Mr. Quigley goes on to insult Republican voters by making a ridiculous claim that, "Should he lose, this level of religious zealotry could produce an angry, if not fanatical reaction among his MAGA supporters. If enough of them are conditioned to take as gospel that Mr. Trump was “anointed” by God to return to the Oval Office, a loss may be so wretched an outcome to them that it simply will not be tolerated. Unfortunately, many of his supporters view this as a “zero sum” election in the extreme. If Trump loses, they lose everything. He laid the groundwork for this by repeatedly saying things like “If we don’t win this election, I don’t think you’re going to have another election in this country.” This should be a concern to all of us." The implication here is that millions of Americans have been brainwashed by Trump's rhetoric and will answer his call for chaos, violence and elections will cease to ever take place again. We would encourage Mr. Quigley to stop watching the propagandists at MSNBC, CNN and the rest of the anti-Trump legacy media and start paying attention to what has and is transpiring. Mr. Quigley may have forgotten about the massive 2020 fraud, or does he applaud the efforts to keep President Trump out of the White House as a "necessary evil?" Mr. Quigley buys into the "Trump will be a dictator" if elected with such ferver that he's been reduced to writing letters to left leaning "media" outlets. Obviously, he is no fan of Trump but to talk down to Trump supporters, millions of them, is Mr. Quigley lashing out publicly because of what could be the inevitable result of this election. Furthermore, he's confusing what Democrats are actually doing to America with his perception of what America First represents. 

Mr. Quigley somewhat concedes that not all Republicans buy into what Trump is selling. "Perhaps not all supporters of Mr. Trump buy into this nonsense. But rhetoric can be a powerful force, and as we saw on January 6, 2021, his words can inspire violence on a large scale. Disturbingly, there is a portion of the MAGA base who take even the most incendiary and preposterous things Mr. Trump says in a literal way. With regards to his concern on the rhetoric, once again, Mr. Quiqley's memory is very short. We will take this opportunity to refresh his memory on a few things:

  • Democrats publicly called for defunding the police.
  • Democrats like Maxine Waters called for publicly harassing Trump and his supporters.
  • Democrats took a knee for BLM.
  • Democrats are making every attempt to censor Americans.
  • Democrats have and continue to collude with social media companies to censor and suppress free speech.
  • Democrats intentionally leaving the border open and allowing millions of illegal aliens into the country unvetted and some of them violent criminals and gangs.
  • Democrat sanctuary cities/states' resources drained, high crime by illegal aliens.

There are many more we could list but he should get the point. 

We're not sure which realm Mr. Quigley lives in but sure isn't this one. In his letter, he continues with, "They believe Democrats are behind the failed assassination attempts on Mr. Trump. They believe Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio ate neighbors’ pets." We're pretty sure Mr. Quigley already know this but just in case we will once again point out the obvious. The two assassination attempts on President Trump's life were not committed by Trump supporters. In fact, the two would be assassins were leftists inspired by legacy media and Democrat rhetoric. Republicans, even America First Republicans, are not in the business of assassinations.  Mr. Quigley desperate attempt at defending Democrats is just as bad as his failed RTC chairmanship. With regards to Haitian illegal aliens eating cats and dogs in towns like Springfield, Mr. Quigley would have you believe these stories are all made up. He may want to argue this with those resident pet owners who experienced this firsthand, not to mention all the viral videos showing just this. This is another consequence of open borders. Unlike Mr. Quigley's ridiculous assertions, evidence exists all these things are actually happening.

Mr. Quigley ends his letter reminding us that Trump has no right to contest an election. "Mr. Trump has repeatedly claimed that he will accept the results as long as “the election is fair and free”. Of course, “fair and free” are in the eyes of the beholder. We should have no expectations that he will concede and accept defeat in the event it happens. Instead, Mr. Trump will lay blame for any loss on what he sees as a “crooked” election system just as he did in 2020. Should he lose, he will rely on his army of attorneys and crony election boards in key battleground states to ensure that the vote tabulation process is brought to a grinding halt, delaying results.  Unfortunately, this would ignore all of the work public election officials in every state have done since 2020 to make sure this election is above reproach." Based on past experience and the massive fraud that occurred in 2020, Trump would be absolutely justified in calling into a question the elections results if he were to lose, especially with the kind of support and polling showing him doing very well. It is his right to do so and yes, with an army of attorneys if necessary. What is Mr. Quigley worried about? He's worried about the loss of the status quo. Vote for Harris, vote for Satan himself, just do not vote for President Trump. This is the banner that Mr. Quigley chooses to represent. Pathetic really. This is the very reason why establishment Republicans are feeling the walls closing in. We're tired of RINOs. We're tired of the uni-party. We're tired of the propaganda. We're tired of Democrats masquerading as Republicans.

We strongly recommend Mr. Quigley turn in his Republican Party card and register as a Democrat otherwise he should stop this ridiculous ant-Trump crusade and advocate true Republican principles, if he even remembers them.


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