The Charade That is the League of Women Voters


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It's probably a safe bet that you have heard of the League of Women Voters. They have chapters across the country, including Greenwich. However, what you may or may not know is their obvious masquerade as a "non-partisan" organization.

According to The League of Women Voters website, they claim to be, "a nonpartisangrassroots organization working to protect and expand voting rights and ensure everyone is represented in our democracy. We empower voters and defend democracy through advocacyeducation, and litigation, at the local, state, and national levels."

A nonprofit organization founded in 1920 to help women exercise their right to vote, has often been heralded as a non-partisan group dedicated to promoting civic engagement and political education. However, upon closer examination, it becomes clear that the League of Women Voters is not truly non-partisan. Despite their claims to the contrary, the organization has displayed bias in their activities, publications, and endorsements, which ultimately call into question their neutrality.

One of the key indicators of the League of Women Voters' lack of non-partisanship is their activities during elections. While the organization claims to remain neutral and unbiased, they often engage in activities in favor of one political party over another, always Democrats and their policies. For example, the League has been known to host candidate forums and debates that exclude certain candidates or parties, usually non establishment conservatives, leading to accusations of favoritism. Additionally, their voter guides and educational materials have been criticized for presenting information in a way that benefits one party over another, again Democrats.

Furthermore, the League of Women Voters' endorsements of political candidates have also raised concerns about their non-partisanship. While the organization claims to base their endorsements on a candidate's qualifications and positions on issues, their choices have usually closely aligned with one political party, Democrats. This has led to accusations that the League is simply endorsing candidates from the same party, rather than making neutral and unbiased decisions based on merit.

Another red flag is their funding and affiliations. The organization has received funding from sources with clear partisan interests, such as political action committees and advocacy groups, mostly Democrat and liberal aligned. This raises questions about the organization's independence and ability to remain neutral in their activities. Additionally, the League has often been affiliated with other organizations and coalitions that have clear partisan leanings, further calling into question their neutrality.

In addition to their activities and affiliations, the League of Women Voters' leadership and membership also point to a lack of non-partisanship. Many of the organization's leaders and members have clear ties to the Democrat party, raising concerns about the organization's ability to remain neutral. The League is simply a front for promoting the interests of the Democrat Party, rather than truly advocating for women's rights and political education.

Despite these clear and obvious indications of bias and lack of non-partisanship, the League of Women Voters continues to maintain their status as a non-partisan organization. They have long been aligned with the Democratic Party. This alignment is evident in the organization's priorities, messaging, and policy positions. This has led to criticisms from both supporters and critics, who argue that the League's actions and affiliations speak louder than their claims of neutrality. In order to truly live up to their mission of promoting civic engagement and political education, the League of Women Voters must address these concerns and strive to be truly non-partisan in their activities and endorsements.

The leadership of the League of Women Voters is often composed of individuals who have historically been involved in Democratic politics. These leaders bring with them their own biases and perspectives, which can influence the organization's overall stance on political issues. They have a long history of collaborating with progressive organizations and advocacy groups that are aligned with the Democratic Party. These partnerships further reinforce the organization's Democratic advocacy and shape its policy priorities. By working closely with like-minded organizations, the League of Women Voters amplifies its message and influence in the court of public opinion and lobbying to Congress on Democrat issues. Additionally, many of its members and supporters are also Democrats. The League has a large and active membership base, and many of its members are also active in Democratic politics. This creates a natural connection between the League and the Democratic Party, as both groups are working toward similar goals.

Screenshot (LWV, 2022-2023 Annual Report)

Screenshot (LWV, 2022-2023 Annual Report)


Being aligned with Democrat values, it's no surprise they fully support illegal immigration and for illegal aliens who have already committed the felony of crossing over illegally, a path to citizenship, a Democrat work in progress and talking point. The League, on its website, clearly advocates this alignment with, "Diverse voices enhance our democracy. The League believes that a path to citizenship, or provisions for unauthorized immigrants already living in the US to earn legal status, will strengthen our nation."

The LWV also advocates and lobbies for "social justice" issues such as gender, climate change, gun safety, "immigration," reproductive justice and the Equal Rights Amendment among others. Once more, these are all Democrat inspired alignments.

Additionally, the League supports sanctuary cities. This should come as no surprise as illegal immigration, sanctuary cities and voting are the three elements that drive Democrat voter registration and votes. In September of 2024, the LWV penned a letter to Congress urging them to oppose denial of federal funding to sanctuary cities. It appears they they're all in on the burden on our taxpayers and resources, not to mention the sovereignty of our nation. Perhaps, they're more interested in the Democrat philosophy of America last? 

With regards to voting, the below image sums up where they stand. These are the same exact legislation Democrats are passing in some states. They're looking to "expand" voting rights. We all know what this means.

Screenshot (LWV Website)

Like the legacy media, the LWV are essentially Democrat operatives. They can claim "non-partisan" and "voter education" all they want, but in reality, they are pushing the Democrat agenda. It is rather insulting to all voters that they portray themselves be an organization that cares about the important issues and seeks to reflect that understanding by being a neutral party as they claim. They are anything but. 

Remember, the LWV, including the local chapter in Greenwich, must keep appearances when candidates from both parties are invited to debate publicly. Of course, not all candidates are afforded this opportunity, especially if they are Conservatives. Establishment Republicans and Democrats are all too happy to debate at any LWV hosted event. Needless to any such debate is always skewed against Republicans.

It's time for the LWV to stop the charade and stop masquerading as non-partisan. Clearly, they're not and we see it. Their candidate "recommendations" benefit the Democrat Party. 


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