Tren De Aragua Gang Bigger Threat than MS-13: Coming To a Town Near You?


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We have written about this violent gang in the past, but it bears reiterating because they could very well end up in your town or city.

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The Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua has been gaining notoriety for its criminal activities that stretch across the Americas. The gang's tentacles reach far and wide, with operations in countries such as Colombia, Brazil, and even the United States. This network of violent criminal activity poses a serious threat to the safety and security of communities throughout the region.

The Tren de Aragua gang is known for its involvement in drug trafficking, extortion, and violent crimes such as murder and kidnapping. The gang has been able to expand its reach by forming alliances with other criminal organizations, allowing it to establish a presence in various countries and regions. These alliances have enabled the gang to increase its profits and influence, making it a powerful force in the world of organized crime. Its use of violence and intimidation to control territories and populations. The gang has shown a willingness to resort to extreme measures to maintain its power and dominance, including targeted attacks on rivals and law enforcement officials. This has allowed the gang to solidify its presence in various countries and regions, making it a formidable force to be reckoned with.

The Biden/Harris administration is 100% to blame for this and are completely responsible. Upon entering office, the administration voided almost all of the Executive Orders that President Trump signed had put in place to secure the border including building a wall, more support for the Border Patrol and deportations, not to mention the remain in Mexico policy, which even now Mexico has abandoned. The Biden/Harris administration, since day one, has abdicated their law enforcement responsibilities which has caused innocent Americans to be murdered including law enforcement officers, apartment buildings to be taken over and other violent crimes. While Democrats like US Senator Chris Murphy from Connecticut, who is running for re-election, says illegal aliens being in your neighborhood is safer that American citizens, "But immigrants commit crimes in this country at a rate lower than natural born citizens. You may not believe that ... but I hate to tell you, it is the truth." According to a Pew Research Center survey, a majority of the US. Indicated that they believe, "the large number of migrants seeking to enter the country leads to more crime." Democrats parroting this nonsense that the illegal alien invasion is a benefit to every American is ludicrous at best and Treasonous if our laws were ever to be applied fairly. Unfortunately, we don’t live in that world and Democrats, with the blessing of establishment Republicans continue with their treason. The government is culpable and must be held accountable.

Dem senator insists immigrants make US neighborhoods safer: 'It is the truth' Read

The open borders policies of the Biden/Harris administration have made it easier for criminal organizations like Tren de Aragua to enter the country and conduct their illegal activities. The lack of strict border controls and illegal immigration enforcement has allowed these groups to exploit the system and establish a presence in the US. This poses a significant threat to the safety and well-being of American citizens, as well as to the integrity of the country's border security. The activities of Tren de Aragua fuels violence and instability in the communities where they operate, creating a climate of fear and insecurity. This has a devastating impact on the social fabric of these communities, as residents may live in constant fear of violence and retribution from these criminal organizations.

In addition to its violent tactics, the Tren de Aragua gang has also shown a remarkable level of organization and coordination in its criminal activities. The gang operates with a clear hierarchy and chain of command, allowing it to effectively plan and execute illegal operations across borders. This level of organization has enabled the gang to establish a strong foothold in multiple countries and regions, making it difficult for law enforcement agencies to effectively combat its activities.

Terrifying map reveals how bloodthirsty Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua has infiltrated America Read

The gang's criminal tentacles extend not only to drug trafficking and violent crimes, but also to other illegal activities such as human trafficking and money laundering. The gang has been implicated in a number of high-profile cases involving these types of crimes, further highlighting the extent of its influence and reach. This multi-faceted approach to criminal activity has allowed the gang to diversify its operations and increase its profits, making it a significant player in the global underworld.

Kamala Harris, Democrat nominee for president, will most assuredly keep the borders open and allow the continuation of the influx of criminals and terrorists to enter and operate on American soil. She does not have your safety in mind. She does, however, have an agenda. A very dangerous one at that. We must not allow Kamala Harris and the uni-party the opportunity to place the country at greater risk.

Remember this on November 5th.




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