Board of Selectmen Meeting and Special Meeting November 26, 2024


Screenshot (GCTV)

On Tuesday, November 26, 2024, The Greenwich Board of Selectmen held their meeting and a special meeting at Town Hall. 

Of Interest:

3. First Selectman’s Updates 

First Selectman Camillo thanked the Registrar of Voters and the department’s staff at Town Hall as well as the Town Clerk and her staff and all the poll workers who worked during the first ever early voting at Town Hall. He noted that Election Day is no longer just the first Tuesday of November and “we have 15 election days now” because of early voting. Camillo pledged they would “get better” at getting results out in a timely fashion in future elections but reminded everyone that the Town had three different batches of votes to count, from Election Day, from early voting and from absentee ballots. He said he hoped that would get straightened out as they went along but “all in all it was very successful” and said there were no issues at all in Greenwich. 

4. Selectwomen’s Updates

Selectwoman Rabin echoed First Selectman Camillo’s thank you for everyone who helped make early voting happen in Greenwich and she said she understood Greenwich had 30 percent of its eligible voters take part in early voting. Rabin said that is a “promising sign that people appreciated having the opportunity.”

Stone McGuigan then shared remarks about the recent election and said it was a “mix of highs and lows” but the voters have spoken and offered her congratulations to the Greenwich delegation to Hartford. She said the delegation will now be “solidly purple” and it was up to them to put the Town’s interests over political parties. She thanked all the candidates and said while it is difficult to run for office, the Town is made better with contested elections. She thanked the registrars, poll workers and Town officials who “made a complex process safe, secure and seemingly effortless” and told all the voters that their voices matter. 

6. New Business 

a. Approval of a new Deputy Chief of Police – Chief of Police James Heavey

e. Presentation of 2024 Board of Ethics report – Board of Ethics Chair Paul deBary

Board of Selectment Meeting Minutes Read

Board of Selectment Special Meeting:

"The Mother Of All Power Grabs" — Greenwich Board Of Selectmen Votes To File For Restraining Order Over Democrat BOE Coup Read

Recorded Video


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