Dr. Micheal Goldstein Press Release on November 5th Election Results


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WEDNESDAY, November 6, 2024

Republican Congressional Challenger, Doctor Michael Goldstein Issues Statement on the Results of Yesterday’s Election


Dr. Michael Goldstein M.D., J.D., Candidate for Congress for Connecticut’s 4th Congressional District has issued the following statement on the results of yesterday's election:

An election is about “We the People” making their voices heard at the ballot box. While we are disappointed at the results, we are not disappointed by our efforts and the journey that we took over the past year. Why?

Because elections are a two-part process. The first part is to listen to the concerns of a voter and to find out what keeps them up at night and what the government can do regarding their issues. The second part is about engaging the voters and trying to inform them about the choices they make, and how they will impact their futures and future of the next generation.

We listened to the voters we met throughout the district and used our platform to raise attention to others to tell them that they were not alone. For some, that influenced their decision at the polls. For others, we just did not reach them.

We have reached out to Congressman Himes’ office to congratulate him, and I am sure we will speak over the next few days.

Congressman Himes has another two years in office, and we hope that he will address some of the issues that we raised which were issues of the people. While Connecticut has gone more democrat in representation in local offices and has maintained the same federal representation, we hope that over the next two years that Mr. Himes shifts some more attention to using federal solutions to solve the local problems facing Connecticut residents in our district.

That was a bedrock issue of our campaign, and our efforts were largely spent on bringing attention to our campaign.

Despite the presidential race, voters were very locally focused due to the pocketbook issues. One would hope that voters know that federal issues impact the local level.

It is my prescription to the residents of this state and of this nation that they start to have conversations with their neighbors regardless of their party affiliation, especially in Connecticut where most voters are unaffiliated. Doctor’s Orders!
We thank all of our supporters and will reach out over the next few days. We will continue to use our voice and platform to help where we can and bring issues to light.

Connecticut is a great state with huge potential. Let’s all work together to ensure that the younger generations are afforded the opportunities to lead prosperous and fulfilled lives here in Connecticut.

Doctor Michael Goldstein

For More Information:

Please contact Dr. Michael Goldstein’s Campaign Manager, Jonathan Goldstein at info@goldsteinforcongress.com or by phone at 914-980-9696 for any additional information.

Thank you for your continued support.

Dr. Michael Goldstein


Paid for by Goldstein for Congress


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