Greewich BET Meeting November 18, 2024


Screenshot (GCTV)

The Greenwich Board of Estimate and Taxation (BET) held their regular monthly meeting on Monday, November 18, 2024, at Greenwich Town Hall.

Of interest:

Ms. Moriarty opened the discussion by expressing concerns about both the process and substance of the guidelines. She indicated that the Democrats would have numerous amendments.

Mr. Weisbrod moved, and Ms. Moriarty seconded, to add the following language to be the new 3rd paragraph on the first page: "The BET's goal is to strive for consistent, moderate and predictable increases to the mill rate over time --noting that approved labor settlements are averaging 3% and noting as well that recent years have experienced wide fluctuation of mill rate changes. While many would like to see no tax increase, long term labor contracts and needed capital spending make this desire difficult to achieve." The Board voted 6-6-0 (NO: Alfano, Arora, Fassuliotis, Fisher, Jansen, Tarkington). The motion failed.

Recorded Vide (GCTV)


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