The Tradition of Leaving a Letter in the Oval Office Desk for the Incoming President


Screenshot (Public Domain)

The tradition of the outgoing President leaving a letter in the desk for the incoming President is a long-standing and symbolic gesture in American politics. This tradition dates back to at least President Ronald Reagan, and it has been continued by each successive President. The purpose of this letter is to provide guidance, advice, and well-wishes to the incoming President as they navigate the responsibilities and challenges of leading the country.

The letter left by the outgoing President is often a reflection of their own experiences and lessons learned during their time in office. It may contain insights on policy decisions, relationships with Congress and other political leaders, and advice on how to handle crises and challenges. The letter is meant to serve as a helpful resource for the incoming President as they transition into their new role.

Screenshot, Transition Letter from Bill Clinton to George W. Bush

Traditionally, there is the confidentiality of the letter. The contents of the letter are typically meant for the eyes of the incoming President only, allowing them to receive candid and honest advice from their predecessor. This element of trust and confidentiality underscores the importance of the relationship between outgoing and incoming Presidents, regardless of political differences.

This tradition also symbolizes the peaceful transfer of power in American democracy. By offering advice and guidance to their successor, the outgoing President is demonstrating a commitment to the continuity of leadership and the well-being of the nation. This gesture reinforces the idea that, despite political differences, the interests of the country should always come first.

Screenshot, Transition Letter from George W. Bush to Barack Obama

The content of the letter can vary depending on the relationship between the outgoing and incoming Presidents. In some cases, the letter may contain personal anecdotes, words of encouragement, or expressions of gratitude for the opportunity to serve. In other cases, the letter may focus more on policy recommendations and strategic advice for the new administration. It also serves as a tangible reminder of the weight of the responsibilities that come with the office. The letter acts as a symbol of the gravity of the decisions and challenges that the President will face, and it underscores the importance of thoughtful and informed leadership in guiding the country forward.

Screenshot, Transition Letter from Ronald Reagan to George H.W. Bush

In recent years, the tradition of leaving a letter in the desk for the incoming President has received renewed attention and interest. As political polarization and division continue to pose challenges for American democracy, this tradition serves as a reminder of the shared values and traditions that bind the nation together. It also highlights the importance of cooperation and mutual respect between leaders, even in times of disagreement.

President Trump continued the tradition of leaving a transition letter for Joe Biden prior to leaving office on January 20, 2021. However, Biden has not disclosed the actual contents on the letter saying only through Press Secretary Jen Psaki that "it was long" and "the script was very lovely."

We are very curious to see what "words of wisdom" Jill Biden will share with President Trump. Although Trump is unlikely to share the contents of that letter publicly, we can only imagine the look on his face as he reads it and what he really thinks. 



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